Hamlet Grave Secrets


A dark comedic sequel to Shakespeare’s “Hamlet.” Featuring those irascible yet lovable buffoons, the gravediggers and a cast of the undead. Watch as the duo grapple with incest, sexuality, and madness from beyond the grave. Can the two guide Ophilya, Hamlet, his mother Gertrude and Hamlet’s stepfather Claudius to the afterlife? Will they solve the world’s problems? Or will they just cover it up!

Written by Lynn Petko and performed by the Nitwittany Players. Directed by John Skinkis. Edited by John Skinkis and Lynn Petko.
Cast: Lynn Petko and Christopher Omiros as the gravediggers, Steven Patrick Wilt as Ophilya, John Peck as Hamlet, Paula Johnston as Gertrude, Cynthia Simons-Bellina as Claudius, Body double for Steven P. Wilt: Abigail Bellina.

Backgrounds for final scene painted by Christopher Omiros.
Shot entirely at 201 Bull Run Road, Brownsville, Pennsylvania. Filmed with a Sony Nex 5N kit lens and Minolta MD 50mm lens.

All Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Moonlight Hall
Path of the Goblin King
Netherworld Shanty
Long Note Four
Bushwick Tarantella
Laconic Granny
Dance of Deception
Mysterioso March
Danse Macabre
Movement Proposition
Smoking Gun
Thatched Villagers
Comic Plodding
Comfortable Mystery
Modern Piano Zeta
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/ licenses/by/3.0/